Source code for easy_server._server_file

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Support for server files.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import os
import yaml
import jsonschema

from ._server import Server
from ._vault_file import VaultFile

__all__ = ['ServerFile', 'ServerFileException',
           'ServerFileOpenError', 'ServerFileFormatError',

# JSON schema describing the structure of the server files
    "$schema": "",
    "title": "JSON schema for easy-server server files",
    "definitions": {},
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "additionalProperties": False,
    "properties": {
        "vault_file": {
            "type": "string",
                "Path name of vault file. Relative path names are relative to "
                "the directory of the server file",
        "servers": {
            "type": "object",
            "description": "The servers in the server file",
            "additionalProperties": False,
            "patternProperties": {
                "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "description": "Nickname of the server",
                    "required": [
                    "additionalProperties": False,
                    "properties": {
                        "description": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "description": "Short description of the server",
                        "contact_name": {
                            "type": "string",
                                "Name of technical contact for the server",
                        "access_via": {
                            "type": "string",
                                "Short reminder on the "
                                "network/firewall/proxy/vpn used to access the "
                        "user_defined": {
                            "type": "object",
                                "User-defined properties of the server. "
                                "This object can have an arbitrary "
                                "user-defined structure",
        "server_groups": {
            "type": "object",
            "description": "The server groups in the server file",
            "additionalProperties": False,
            "patternProperties": {
                "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "description": "Nickname of the server group",
                    "required": [
                    "additionalProperties": False,
                    "properties": {
                        "description": {
                            "type": "string",
                                "Short description of the server group",
                        "members": {
                            "type": "array",
                                "List of members of the server group. "
                                "Those can be servers or other server groups.",
                            "items": {
                                "type": "string",
                                    "Nickname of server or server group in "
                                    "this file",
                        "user_defined": {
                            "type": "object",
                                "User-defined properties of the server group. "
                                "This object can have an arbitrary "
                                "user-defined structure",
        "default": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Nickname of default server or server group",

[docs]class ServerFileException(Exception): """ Abstract base exception for errors related to server files. Derived from :exc:`py:Exception`. """ pass
[docs]class ServerFileOpenError(ServerFileException): """ Exception indicating that a server file was not found or cannot be accessed due to a permission error. Derived from :exc:`ServerFileException`. """ pass
[docs]class ServerFileFormatError(ServerFileException): """ Exception indicating that an existing server file has some issue with the format of its file content. Derived from :exc:`ServerFileException`. """ pass
[docs]class ServerFileUserDefinedFormatError(ServerFileException): """ Exception indicating that the values of the user-defined portion of server items in a server file do not match the JSON schema defined for them. Derived from :exc:`ServerFileException`. """ pass
[docs]class ServerFileUserDefinedSchemaError(ServerFileException): """ Exception indicating that the JSON schema for validating the values of the user-defined portion of server items in a server file is not a valid JSON schema. Derived from :exc:`ServerFileException`. """ pass
[docs]class ServerFileGroupUserDefinedFormatError(ServerFileException): """ Exception indicating that the values of the user-defined portion of group items in a server file do not match the JSON schema defined for them. Derived from :exc:`ServerFileException`. """ pass
[docs]class ServerFileGroupUserDefinedSchemaError(ServerFileException): """ Exception indicating that the JSON schema for validating the values of the user-defined portion of group items in a server file is not a valid JSON schema. Derived from :exc:`ServerFileException`. """ pass
[docs]class ServerFile(object): """ A server file that specifies the openly accessible portion of the servers and optionally references a vault file that specifies the secret portion of the servers. An object of this class is tied to a single server file. The server file is loaded when this object is initialized. If the server file specifies a vault file, the vault file is also loaded at that point. Optionally, the user-defined portions of the server and group items in the server file, and the server items in the vault file can be validated against user-provided JSON schema. For a description of the file formats, see sections :ref:`Server files` and :ref:`Vault files`. """ def __init__( self, filepath, password=None, use_keyring=True, use_prompting=True, verbose=False, user_defined_schema=None, group_user_defined_schema=None, vault_server_schema=None): """ Parameters: filepath (:term:`unicode string`): Path name of the server file. Relative path names are relative to the current directory. password (:term:`unicode string`): Password for the vault file. `None` indicates that no password has been provided. use_keyring (bool): Enable the use of the keyring service for retrieving and storing the password of the vault file. use_prompting (bool): Enable the use of password prompting for getting the password of the vault file. verbose (bool): Print additional messages. Note that the password prompt (if needed) is displayed regardless of verbose mode. user_defined_schema (:term:`JSON schema`): JSON schema for validating the values of the user-defined portion of server items when loading the server file. `None` means no schema validation takes place for these items. group_user_defined_schema (:term:`JSON schema`): JSON schema for validating the values of the user-defined portion of group items when loading the server file. `None` means no schema validation takes place for these items. vault_server_schema (:term:`JSON schema`): JSON schema for validating the values of the server items when loading the vault file. `None` means no schema validation takes place for these items. Raises: ServerFileOpenError: Error opening server file ServerFileFormatError: Invalid server file format ServerFileUserDefinedFormatError: Invalid format of user-defined portion of server items in the server file ServerFileUserDefinedSchemaError: Invalid JSON schema for validating user-defined portion of server items in the server file ServerFileGroupUserDefinedFormatError: Invalid format of user-defined portion of group items in the server file ServerFileGroupUserDefinedSchemaError: Invalid JSON schema for validating user-defined portion of group items in the server file VaultFileOpenError: Error with opening the vault file VaultFileDecryptError: Error with decrypting the vault file VaultFileFormatError: Invalid vault file format VaultFileServerFormatError: Invalid format of server items in the vault file VaultFileServerSchemaError: Invalid JSON schema for validating server items in the vault file """ self._filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath) self._user_defined_schema = user_defined_schema self._group_user_defined_schema = group_user_defined_schema self._vault_server_schema = vault_server_schema self._data = _load_server_file( filepath, user_defined_schema, group_user_defined_schema) self._vault_file = self._data['vault_file'] if self._vault_file: if not os.path.isabs(self._vault_file): self._vault_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self._filepath), self._vault_file) self._vault = VaultFile( self._vault_file, password=password, use_keyring=use_keyring, use_prompting=use_prompting, verbose=verbose, server_schema=vault_server_schema) else: self._vault = None # The following attributes are for faster access self._servers = self._data['servers'] self._server_groups = self._data['server_groups'] self._default = self._data['default'] @property def filepath(self): """ :term:`unicode string`: Absolute path name of the server file. """ return self._filepath @property def vault_file(self): """ :term:`unicode string`: Absolute path name of the vault file specified in the server file, or `None` if no vault file was specified. Vault files specified with a relative path name are relative to the directory of the server file. """ return self._vault_file @property def user_defined_schema(self): """ :term:`JSON schema`: JSON schema for validating the values of the user-defined portion of server items in the server file, or `None`. """ return self._user_defined_schema @property def group_user_defined_schema(self): """ :term:`JSON schema`: JSON schema for validating the values of the user-defined portion of group items in the server file, or `None`. """ return self._group_user_defined_schema @property def vault_server_schema(self): """ :term:`JSON schema`: JSON schema for validating the values of the server items in the vault file, or `None`. """ return self._vault_server_schema
[docs] def is_vault_file_encrypted(self): """ Test whether the vault file is in the encrypted state. If the server file does not specify a vault file, `None` is returned. Returns: bool: Boolean indicating whether the vault file is in the encrypted state, or `None` if no vault file was specified. """ if self._vault is None: return None return self._vault.is_encrypted()
[docs] def get_server(self, nickname): """ Get server for a given server nickname. Parameters: nickname (:term:`unicode string`): Server nickname. Returns: :class:`~easy_server.Server`: Server with the specified nickname. Raises: :exc:`py:KeyError`: Nickname not found """ try: server_dict = self._servers[nickname] except KeyError: new_exc = KeyError( "Server with nickname {!r} not found in server " "file {!r}". format(nickname, self._filepath)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # KeyError if self._vault: try: secrets_dict = self._vault.get_secrets(nickname) except KeyError: secrets_dict = None else: secrets_dict = None return Server(nickname, server_dict, secrets_dict)
[docs] def list_servers(self, nickname): """ List the servers for a given server or server group nickname. Parameters: nickname (:term:`unicode string`): Server or server group nickname. Returns: list of :class:`~easy_server.Server`: List of servers. Raises: :exc:`py:KeyError`: Nickname not found """ if nickname in self._servers: return [self.get_server(nickname)] if nickname in self._server_groups: sd_list = list() # of Server objects sd_nick_list = list() # of server nicknames sg_item = self._server_groups[nickname] for member_nick in sg_item['members']: member_sds = self.list_servers(member_nick) for sd in member_sds: if sd.nickname not in sd_nick_list: sd_nick_list.append(sd.nickname) sd_list.append(sd) return sd_list raise KeyError( "Server or server group with nickname {!r} not found in server " "definition file {!r}". format(nickname, self._filepath))
[docs] def list_default_servers(self): """ List the servers for the default server or group. An omitted 'default' element in the server file results in an empty list. Returns: list of :class:`~easy_server.Server`: List of servers. """ if self._default is None: return [] return self.list_servers(self._default)
[docs] def list_all_servers(self): """ List all servers. Returns: list of :class:`~easy_server.Server`: List of servers. """ return [self.get_server(nickname) for nickname in self._servers]
def _load_server_file( filepath, user_defined_schema=None, group_user_defined_schema=None): """ Load the server file, validate its format and default some optional elements. Returns: dict: Python dict representing the file content. Raises: ServerFileOpenError: Error opening server file ServerFileFormatError: Invalid server file content ServerFileUserDefinedFormatError: Invalid format of user-defined portion of server items in the server file ServerFileUserDefinedSchemaError: Invalid JSON schema for validating user-defined portion of server items in the server file ServerFileGroupUserDefinedFormatError: Invalid format of user-defined portion of group items in the server file ServerFileGroupUserDefinedSchemaError: Invalid JSON schema for validating user-defined portion of group items in the server file """ # Load the server file (YAML) try: with open(filepath, 'r') as fp: data = yaml.safe_load(fp) except (OSError, IOError) as exc: new_exc = ServerFileOpenError( "Cannot open server file: {fn}: {exc}". format(fn=filepath, exc=exc)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # ServerFileOpenError except yaml.YAMLError as exc: new_exc = ServerFileFormatError( "Invalid YAML syntax in server file {fn}: {exc}". format(fn=filepath, exc=exc)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # ServerFileFormatError # Schema validation of server file content try: jsonschema.validate(data, SERVER_FILE_SCHEMA) # Raises jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError if JSON schema is invalid except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: if exc.absolute_path: elem_str = "element '{}'". \ format('.'.join(str(e) for e in exc.absolute_path)) else: elem_str = 'top-level element' new_exc = ServerFileFormatError( "Invalid format in server file {fn}: Validation " "failed on {elem}: {exc}". format(fn=filepath, elem=elem_str, exc=exc)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # ServerFileFormatError # Establish defaults for optional top-level elements if 'server_groups' not in data: data['server_groups'] = {} if 'default' not in data: data['default'] = None if 'vault_file' not in data: data['vault_file'] = None # Schema validation of user-defined portion of server items if user_defined_schema: for server_nick, server_item in data['servers'].items(): user_defined = server_item.get('user_defined', None) if user_defined is None: new_exc = ServerFileUserDefinedFormatError( "Missing user_defined element for server {srv} " "in server file {fn}". format(srv=server_nick, fn=filepath)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # ServerFileUserDefinedFormatError try: jsonschema.validate(user_defined, user_defined_schema) except jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError as exc: new_exc = ServerFileUserDefinedSchemaError( "Invalid JSON schema for validating user-defined portion " "of server items in server file: {exc}". format(exc=exc)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # ServerFileUserDefinedSchemaError except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: if exc.absolute_path: elem_str = "element '{}'". \ format('.'.join(str(e) for e in exc.absolute_path)) else: elem_str = "top-level of user-defined item" new_exc = ServerFileUserDefinedFormatError( "Invalid format in user-defined portion of item for " "server {srv} in server file {fn}: " "Validation failed on {elem}: {exc}". format(srv=server_nick, fn=filepath, elem=elem_str, exc=exc)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # ServerFileUserDefinedFormatError # Schema validation of user-defined portion of group items if group_user_defined_schema: for group_nick, group_item in data['server_groups'].items(): user_defined = group_item.get('user_defined', None) if user_defined is None: new_exc = ServerFileGroupUserDefinedFormatError( "Missing user_defined element for group {grp} " "in server file {fn}". format(grp=group_nick, fn=filepath)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # ServerFileGroupUserDefinedFormatError try: jsonschema.validate(user_defined, group_user_defined_schema) except jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError as exc: new_exc = ServerFileGroupUserDefinedSchemaError( "Invalid JSON schema for validating user-defined portion " "of group items in server file: {exc}". format(exc=exc)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # ServerFileGroupUserDefinedSchemaError except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: if exc.absolute_path: elem_str = "element '{}'". \ format('.'.join(str(e) for e in exc.absolute_path)) else: elem_str = "top-level of user-defined item" new_exc = ServerFileGroupUserDefinedFormatError( "Invalid format in user-defined portion of item for " "group {grp} in server file {fn}: " "Validation failed on {elem}: {exc}". format(grp=group_nick, fn=filepath, elem=elem_str, exc=exc)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # ServerFileGroupUserDefinedFormatError # Check dependencies in the file server_nicks = list(data['servers'].keys()) group_nicks = list(data['server_groups'].keys()) all_nicks = server_nicks + group_nicks default_nick = data['default'] if default_nick and default_nick not in all_nicks: new_exc = ServerFileFormatError( "Default nickname '{n}' not found in servers or groups in " "server file {fn}". format(n=default_nick, fn=filepath)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # ServerFileFormatError for group_nick in group_nicks: sg_item = data['server_groups'][group_nick] for member_nick in sg_item['members']: if member_nick not in all_nicks: new_exc = ServerFileFormatError( "Nickname '{n}' in server group '{g}' not found in " "servers or groups in server file {fn}". format(n=member_nick, g=group_nick, fn=filepath)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # ServerFileFormatError return data