Source code for easy_server._vault_file

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Support for vault files.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import os
from copy import deepcopy
import jsonschema
import easy_vault

__all__ = ['VaultFile', 'VaultFileException', 'VaultFileOpenError',
           'VaultFileDecryptError', 'VaultFileFormatError']

# JSON schema describing the structure of the vault files
    "$schema": "",
    "title": "JSON schema for easy-server vault files",
    "definitions": {},
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "additionalProperties": False,
    "properties": {
        "secrets": {
            "type": "object",
            "description": "The secrets of the servers",
            "additionalProperties": False,
            "patternProperties": {
                "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "description": "Nickname of the server",
                    "additionalProperties": True,

[docs]class VaultFileException(Exception): """ Abstract base exception for errors related to vault files. Derived from :exc:`py:Exception`. """ pass
[docs]class VaultFileOpenError(VaultFileException): """ Exception indicating that a vault file was not found or cannot be accessed for reading due to a permission error. Derived from :exc:`VaultFileException`. """ pass
[docs]class VaultFileDecryptError(VaultFileException): """ Exception indicating that an encrypted vault file could not be decrypted. Derived from :exc:`VaultFileException`. """ pass
[docs]class VaultFileFormatError(VaultFileException): """ Exception indicating that an existing vault file has some issue with the format of its file content. Derived from :exc:`VaultFileException`. """ pass
[docs]class VaultFile(object): """ A vault file that specifies the sensitive portion of servers, i.e. the secrets for accessing the servers. An object of this class is tied to a single vault file. For a description of the file format, see section :ref:`Vault files`. The vault file may be in the encrypted or decrypted state. When data from the vault file is read, the vault file remains unchanged, and the data is is decrypted in memory if the file was in the encrypted state. Vault file encryption, vault file decryption, and reading data from an encrypted vault file requires a password specific to the vault file. The password can be specified as an init argument to this class, or if not provided will be retrieved the keyring service, or if not found there, will be interactively prompted for. The use of the keyring service (for retrieving and storing) and the use of password prompting can be individually disabled. Typical use in client programs would be to use the keyring and to specify no password (the default). Typical use in test programs running in a CI/CD system would be to specify a password (from the CI/CD system's secrets) and not to use the keyring. """ def __init__( self, filepath, password=None, use_keyring=True, use_prompting=True, verbose=False): """ Parameters: filepath (:term:`unicode string`): Path name of the vault file. password (:term:`unicode string`): Password for the vault file. `None` indicates that no password has been provided. use_keyring (bool): Enable the use of the keyring service for retrieving and storing the password. use_prompting (bool): Enable the use of password prompting for getting the password. verbose (bool): Print additional messages. Note that the password prompt (if needed) is displayed regardless of verbose mode. Raises: VaultFileOpenError: Error with opening the vault file VaultFileDecryptError: Error with decrypting the vault file VaultFileFormatError: Invalid vault file format """ self._filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath) self._vault_obj, self._encrypted = _load_vault_file( filepath, password, use_keyring, use_prompting, verbose) # The following attributes are for faster access self._secrets = self._vault_obj['secrets'] @property def filepath(self): """ :term:`unicode string`: Path name of the vault file. """ return self._filepath @property def nicknames(self): """ list of string: Server nicknames in the vault file. """ return list(self._secrets.keys())
[docs] def is_encrypted(self): """ Return whether the vault file is encrypted. Returns: bool: Boolean indicating whether the vault file is encrypted. """ return self._encrypted
[docs] def get_secrets(self, nickname): """ Get the secrets item from the vault file for a given server nickname. Example: Using the following vault file: .. code-block:: yaml secrets: # Fixed key myserver1: # Nickname of the server host: "" # User-defined secrets username: myusername password: mypassword The return value for ``nickname='myserver1'`` will be: .. code-block:: python dict( 'host': '', 'username': 'myusername, 'password': 'mypassword', ) Parameters: nickname (:term:`unicode string`): Server nickname. Returns: dict: Copy of the secrets item for that server from the vault file. Raises: KeyError: Nickname not found in the vault file. """ try: secrets_dict = self._secrets[nickname] except KeyError: new_exc = KeyError( "Server with nickname {n} not found in vault file {fn}". format(n=nickname, fn=self._filepath)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # KeyError return deepcopy(secrets_dict)
def _load_vault_file(filepath, password, use_keyring, use_prompting, verbose): """ Load the vault file and return its complete content and whether it is encrypted. The format of the vault file is validated against a JSON schema. Parameters: filepath (:term:`unicode string`): Path name of vault file. password (:term:`unicode string`): Password for the vault file. `None` indicates that no password has been provided. use_keyring (bool): Enable the use of the keyring service for retrieving and storing the password. use_prompting (bool): Enable the use of password prompting for getting the password. verbose (bool): Print additional messages. Note that the password prompt (if needed) is displayed regardless of verbose mode. Returns: tuple(dict, bool): Tuple of: * dict: Python dict representing the vault file content. * bool: Indicates wether the vault file is encrypted. Raises: VaultFileOpenError: Error with opening the vault file VaultFileDecryptError: Error with decrypting the vault file VaultFileFormatError: Invalid vault file format """ try: encrypted = easy_vault.EasyVault(filepath).is_encrypted() except easy_vault.EasyVaultFileError as exc: new_exc = VaultFileOpenError(str(exc)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # VaultFileOpenError if password is None and encrypted: password = easy_vault.get_password( filepath, use_keyring=use_keyring, use_prompting=use_prompting, verbose=verbose) vault = easy_vault.EasyVault(filepath, password) try: vault_obj = vault.get_yaml() except easy_vault.EasyVaultFileError as exc: new_exc = VaultFileOpenError(str(exc)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # VaultFileOpenError except easy_vault.EasyVaultDecryptError as exc: new_exc = VaultFileDecryptError(str(exc)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # VaultFileDecryptError except easy_vault.EasyVaultYamlError as exc: new_exc = VaultFileFormatError(str(exc)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # VaultFileFormatError if password is not None: easy_vault.set_password( filepath, password, use_keyring=use_keyring, verbose=verbose) # Validate the data object using JSON schema try: jsonschema.validate(vault_obj, VAULT_FILE_SCHEMA) # Raises jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError if JSON schema is invalid except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: if exc.absolute_path: elem_str = "element '{}'". \ format('.'.join(str(e) for e in exc.absolute_path)) else: elem_str = 'top-level element' new_exc = VaultFileFormatError( "Invalid format in vault file {fn}: Validation failed on {elem}: " "{msg}". format(fn=filepath, elem=elem_str, msg=exc.message)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # VaultFileFormatError return vault_obj, encrypted